French Storytelling for kids

Wednesday 15th November 5.00 pm. Free entrance. Followed by a workshop and a snack. 

French storytelling for kids with Mélanie presents few tales and legends, in French and with English translation as well. Each month, a different author, theme or territory is highlighted. For November, we will discover the story of Chien bleu, written by Nadja, a classic book in youth literature.

Chien bleu
Charlotte a un ami qui n'est pas comme les autres. C'est un chien au pelage bleu et aux yeux verts brillants comme des pierres précieuses. Il vient la voir tous les soirs. Charlotte aimerait le garder mais sa maman s'y oppose. C'est alors qu'elle se perd dans la forêt.

Blue dog
Charlotte has a friend which is different. It is a dog with blue fur and bright green eyes like precious stones. It comes to see her every night. Charlotte would like to keep it but her mom does not agree. Then, she gets lost in the forest.