Ibero American Film Festival #2 - Wednesday


From Tuesday 1st to 4th October
Cocktail from 6:30 pm - Movie from 7 pm
at AUSAID Perfomance Space, USP (acces through main entrance)

The annual Ibero American Film Festival is a collection of films from Spain, Cuba, Mexico, El Salvador and Venezuela. In the amphitheater, seat back & enjoy a glass of wine during ones of the best movies from Spain and South America.

Soft drinks and snacks provided


TUESDAY: "The Claim – Archbishop Romero, his people and Pope Francis" - Gianni Beretta, Patrik Soergel (El Salvador)
2016 - Documentary - 81 minutes

Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, archbishop of San Salvador, murdered in 1980 by the death squads, was declared blessed on May 23, 2015. Romero is the first case of a Catholic martyr in odium fidei (for hatred of faith) executed by Catholics..
WEDNESDAY: "Mara'akame's Dream" by Federico Cecchetti (Mexico)
2016 - Drama - 90 minutes

Nieri is a young native Huichol whose dream is to travel with his band and play in a concert in Mexico City. But his father, a shaman Huichol, has other plans for him.
THURSDAY: "Dark Glasses" - Jessica Rodríguez (Cuba) with cocktail offered by the Embassy of Cuba
2015 - Drama - 90 minutes

Esperanza is a blind woman who lives alone in the Cuban countryside. When Mario, a criminal on-the-run, breaks into her house and threatens to have his way with her, Esperanza distracts him by sharing three of the dozens of tales she has written about "common people worth remembering": all take place at a different period of Cuba's recent history.
FRIDAY: "The Dicaprio from Corozopando" by Phillipe van Hissenhoven (Venezuela)
2017 - Comedy - 90 minutes

Gregorio, the mayor of Corozopando, has always wanted to bring world recognition to his tiny town. Although this aspiration seems far fetched, one night the prophecy of a spirit magically convinces both Gregorio and the rest of the inhabitants to place their hopes in a child named Rubén Darío, imposing on him the responsibility of bringing the fame to the town. For his part, Rubén innocently assumes this responsibility and he insists on doing everything possible to bring the small, remote community fame and fortune.

Organized by the Spanish Embassy, Cuban Embassy, USP and Alliance Française de Suva.