Pacific Movie Night - Tinpis Run
Wednesday 29th November at 7.30pm – 1h30 - free entrance.
In Pigdin with English subtitles. Free drinks, French crêpe for 2 F$
The first Papou feature film! A burlesque comedy. The adventures of "Papa", a collective bush-taxi driver, invite us to discover this unique country with its complex society.
Papua New Guinea comedy directed by Pengau Nengo, 1990. Starring Suzi Buri, Gerard Gabud and Leo Konga.
Summary :
"Papa", one of the chiefs of a tribe in the highlands, is taxi driver of a "Tinpis", a collective bush-taxi. Saved from an accident by Naaki, a young man from the city, he offers him his daughter in thanks. Johanna and Naaki, however, refuse that their happiness be decided by her father, even though they have already fallen in love.
Résumé :
"Papa", notable d'une tribu des hauts plateaux, est chauffeur d'un "Tinpis", taxi-brousse collectif. Lors d'un accident, il est secouru par Naaki, un jeune citadin, et lui offre sa fille en récompense. Mais Joanna et Naaki refusent à Papa le droit de décider de leur bonheur, tout en tombant bien vite amoureux. A travers un périple burlesque, se dessinent un pays singulier, une réalité sociale complexe où s'entrechoquent les générations et les clans, les hommes et les femmes, les jours et les siècles.
Trailer (extract) :
Telephone : (679) 3313802
Mobile : (679) 9992821
Email address :
20 Desvoeux road, Suva
PO Box 14 548